COVID-19 Notice
Stay up-to-date on HCMCF's COVID-19 Notices and Polices
****June 03, 2020****
Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Response
****September 11, 2020****
Guidelines for outdoor visits:
We are very excited to announce that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services issued guidelines regarding “outdoor visits” on 9-10-2020. There is a link to the Director’s Executive Order at the end of this notice. Please click on the link and read the “order”. The facility has been ready for this day to come and has included a link to our “Outdoor Visiting Policy and Procedure” below and on our Facebook page. Please understand that when visits begin, they will be scheduled ahead of time by our Life Enrichment Department and per the Executive Order there will be infection control protocols at every step of the process. We will begin with spouses, and responsible parties visiting first. Of course, if a Resident wishes to visit with anyone in particular, it is their right to do so. Because we will be operating under strict guidelines, it may take a few days for you to get an appointment, but please be assured you will be visiting soon.
One last VERY IMPORTANT point for now, the ability for us to have “limited outdoor visits” is entirely dependent on continued “negative” test results. In the event we have a “positive” case in the building, in-person visits will be placed on hold once again. Window visits and video chats will continue throughout this process and will be scheduled in the same manner they have from the beginning. We have all waited for “the day” to come and it appears to be in sight. I can tell you first hand that the residents are as excited as you are to see their family and friends again. Please follow our Facebook page for more updates.
• Executive Order Link-
• Facility Outdoor Visit Policy PDF-
Terry Esterline, LNHA
Hillsdale County Medical Care Facility
****March 27, 2020****
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Update:
Please be advised that the Hillsdale County Medical Care Facility is taking every step possible to protect the Residents and staff at the facility. We are actively receiving updates and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, CMS, Hillsdale County Emergency Management, State and Federal agencies. We have initiated restrictions on all non-medical staff, visitors, and vendors to the facility. The facility has developed communication pathways to reach your loved one via Facetime, Skype and Google Duo. You will continue to be notified of changes in condition of your loved one.
The staff at the facility are just plain Rockstars! Numbering over 300, they are selflessly and tirelessly caring for our residents and their own families. There isn’t a Thank You big enough for our staff. Please watch our Facebook Page for regular updates and click on the links below for updated information from the CDC and State of Michigan regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Terry Esterline, LNHA
****March 10, 2020****
Hillsdale County Medical Care Facility COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update:
With the primary concern of keeping our residents and staff healthy, and minimizing the spread of respiratory conditions, we are encouraging visitors to the facility to regularly exercise hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. In addition, we are encouraging coughing etiquette or sneezing into the bend of your elbow or a tissue (not your hands). As we are aware, information regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus) is changing daily and the facility is monitoring this information closely. As new information is received, organized steps will be implemented as a precaution, including limiting visitations and temperature/symptoms monitoring prior to visiting.
We ask that you DO NOT VISIT under the following conditions:
• If you are experiencing any illness but especially a respiratory illness (cough, congestion, sore throat, body aches or fever).
• If you or a household member have traveled to an area where COVID-19 (coronavirus) has been detected or have been exposed to COVID-19 (coronavirus), we ask that you do not visit until 14 days after you return from travel or 14 days after exposure and you are symptom free.
• If you believe you have become infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus), please do not visit HCMCF. Call your attending physician’s office before visiting so they can prepare for your visit in attempt to eliminate spread of the virus.
• Printed information on COVID-19 (coronavirus) and updates from the Centers for Disease Control will be available at the business office window.
• Please Be Advised: If COVID-19 (coronavirus) is found in Michigan we will be taking precautions that may lead to limited visitations and monitoring of possible illness in visitors.
• Please Be Advised: if COVID-19 (coronavirus) is found in Hillsdale County, we will be restricting all visitors until further notice to prevent the spread of infection to our Residents.
• We will be communicating via our Facebook page and website, however if you have any questions, please contact the facility at 517-439-9341.
Thank you for helping keep our Residents healthy,
Joyce Rossman
RN, Infection Preventionist